Thursday, May 22, 2014

Third and Final Outside Event- The Possible at UC Berkeley Gallery

For my last outside trip I chose to see an exhibit called The Possible at the UC Berkeley Art Gallery.  It included all sorts of different works and even some research from a SF State Professor, Gwen Allen, who knows all there is to know on contemporary art.  It is an experimental exhibition that reconceives the museum as a site for creative convergence.  There were all sorts of workshops to be part of that included working with clay and weaving yarn.  As an open platform for shared creativity and the exploration of diverse artistic techniques,The Possible combines studio, classroom, library, gallery, and stage.  

One of my favorite parts of this exhibit was works displayed by Will Rogen.  Rogen works a lot with video and is also known for his work with artist John Herschend (who gave a talk on our campus this semester).  At The Possible my favorite piece by him was a video of a hearse blowing up in slow motion, I thought this was interesting because you could actually see the explosion breaking sound barriers in the air.  Also watching the debris fly everywhere like that was almost beautiful in a way... the way ballet is beautiful and intriguing to watch, it was hard to look away although the content seems a little morbid.  There were other video works but they all had a historic vibe and I like that this one was simple and still kept my attention throughout the entire thing. 

Here's a link of the video I found on Vimeo if you would like to check it out! Be sure to try to spot the sound waves from the explosion...very cool!

Rogen had a lot of work there that was based on human mortality and the passing of time. Including a book full of magicians obituaries. So i think this video was a perfect fit for his body of work for his solo show here. 

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